
From Greytown

Branding, logo, website and social media for a Christian Enneagram Coaching Company

As a startup Christian coaching and teaching ministry, From Greytown came to me with a need for their logo, full branding, cohesive website design and social media setup and management. Many of my projects are for Christian ministries or Non-profit organizations, and I love the challenge of creating something visually appealing while also being functional and robust for such entities.

From Greytown was no different... With a focus on Enneagram based coaching but also Christian and theologically sound teaching, I wanted to create a brand image that didn't immediately scream Enneagram but that did tie in the personality typing system with the Gospel message.

Primary Logo Mark






The Challenge

For this project, the challenge really came down to creating something fresh and modern while also portraying a focus on tying in the Gospel / Christian theme with the Enneagram personality model. The Enneagrams' emblem is a type of circular star, and we used a tree icon to tie in the line elements of the Enneagram while showing the strength and growth that comes with proper teaching and coaching / hence the tree.

"Nathan communicates extremely well and produces high quality creative content quickly. We can’t recommend his work highly enough!"

Enneagram Coach & Teacher

What We Did

  • Brand Identity

  • Logo Design

  • Research & Strategy

  • Web Design & Development

  • Social Media

  • Graphic Design

From Greytown logo engraved.


The goal with the branding was to create visually appealing media to accompany the logo and tree icon. We developed a contemporary, subtle and eye-catching color palette along with some modern assets, such as background textures and arrows that would tie in various marketing pieces with the logo, brand and website.


The Answer

The finished product for From Greytown has been a hit. The cohesion between the logo and the website and all marketing materials has quickly impressed potential clients and ministries that are looking to host coaching or teaching sessions and seminars.

To accompany the website and new brand, we needed to create custom apparel, signage, seminar materials such as signs, booklets and more. Everything flows together and really makes From Greytown stand out with all of their materials.


Website Presence


Website Design

For the website, we wanted to design something that tied in with the new branding and showcased the services that From Greytown has to offer along with being an easy to navigate resource for potential churches and clients to easily book Aaron for a conference or coaching.

The site is modern with slick animations and gradients, while making it easy for users to navigate whether on a desktop computer or mobile device. The booking inquiry functionality also ties in seamlessly with the website, and creates an easy platform for users to gain further information.


"We just couldn't have asked for more in regards to the new logo, website, and other materials. We're blown away with the results!"

Enneagram Coach & Teacher

Social Media

To round out the project, From Greytown hired us to setup and integrate all of their social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. In addition to branding those with the new look, we're doing monthly management of those social media platforms to create quality content, branded graphics and continue to grow each platform.

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