Working Mission
A full brand and Web campaign for a charitable non-profit
Billy Miller of Working Mission contacted me about working with them for a simple logo and some accompanying assets. Having just spent several years in Papua New Guinea working with the industrious people there, Billy's family returned home to Nashville with a renewed sense of helping immigrants and refugees in Central Tennessee.
I knew that what Working Mission really needed was more than a simple logo and a few other components, but as a small, startup non-profit their vision was limited and their budget was almost non-existent. So, I worked with them to devise ways to raise money for a full branding campaign, print assets and a working, donation focused website.
Primary Logo Mark

The Challenge
The challenge for this project came in the need for so many items while battling budgetary and organizational restrictions. Working Mission is still in infancy, and many of their online, print and technology needs were coming on the fly; so trying to navigate those challenges while helping them take that first big step was quite the challenge in itself.
"Nathan, did an awesome job helping create a logo, business cards, flyers, website, and overall brand for our new non profit! "
Billy Miller
Founder & President
What We Did
Brand Identity
Research & Strategy
Web Design & Development
Social Media
Graphic Design

With Working Mission being a small, startup non-profit organization, their goal was to convey their mission in a single, simple icon. We threw around options such as globes and plane icons, but we landed on the simple wheat icon as a way to tie in both a religious symbolism along with the fact that part of what they do is provide agricultural work opportunities to refugees and immigrants.
The Answer
Working Mission's campaign turned into an evolving list of items. As soon as we would complete one thing, the need would arise for two more elements, such as flow charts, promotional items, posters, handouts and more. In addition, we were able to help Working Mission setup and kick off their social media presence as well.
The website was a way to not only show off who Working Mission is and what their goals are in central Tennessee and beyond, but allow visitors and friends to donate to the mission through a built-in giving platform. The donation platform has brought in funding to help Working Mission pay for branding and design and manage some of their initial costs.

Website Presence

Website Design
We had two goals for the Working Mission website. The first was obviously to tell their story and showcase their mission. I tried to showcase these things front and center throughout the site... implementing pages showing the Mission and journey and demonstrating their great ideas for working with refugees.
The second goal for the website, was setting up and integrating a simple and easy way for users to get involved: both through donations and signing up to be part. The donation functionality is front and center and works seamlessly and joining their mission couldn't be easier with a way to sign up to be involved through clean website forms.